Yogi Berra's famous quote comes to mind while watching the globalists continuously reshuffle the deck of geopolitics hoping for a winning hand. In 1944 and '45 C.S. Lewis' "The Great Divorce" began to appear in an Anglican newspaper called The Guardian. It was an allegorical tale summarizing the impassible gulf that lay between heaven and hell, the Truth and the Lie, that Hegel's dialectic and the current global homogenization of boundaries, culture and religion will ultimately fail. It is not simply that Truth and The Lie are two parallel lines that never meet, but that The Lie will ultimately disappear, that it was only a shadow of the true, what was left over when the Truth was gone. It is, paradoxically, the Rousseauian maxim that "civilization is all wrong" echoed and resolved eternally by the Supreme Power. Civilization is not the problem, but Man, who, like Sisyphus, endlessly tries to reinvent human civilization without the rule of God. Rousseau was wrong. It was not civilization that made Man wrong - but Man who made civilization wrong. The world is the way it is because Man is the way he is. It is Man who gives civilization the smell it cannot shed. The problem is not poverty, for wealth has only turned the marathon for human fulfillment into a fruitless sprint. With each succeeding pleasure, like the jazz singer Peggy Lee, we cry "Is that all there is?" Man without God will remain barren and bitter until, like all shadows that encounter light, he disappears, until he cries, like Lewis' character at the end of his dream "'The morning! The morning!' . . 'I am caught by the morning and I am a ghost.'. The Communists ought to have learned by now that money is not the answer to civilization's woes. A wealthy, technologically advanced sinner is infinitely more dangerous than a poor, primitive one. As "civilization" progresses (?) then, the world becomes more dangerous, with the tools that torture and annihilate men continuously refined by the mad creature who rages wildly across the deck of civilization's sinking ship. Progress? Hahahahahahahahahahah! (Psalm 2:4)