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Watching Kung-fu Panda..

Stephen D Blum Jr

In the delightful DreamWorks © animation film Kung fu Panda we are introduced to the most unlikely protagonist ever, an overweight, lazy, naive, thoroughly average Panda named Po, the adopted son of a noodle vendor, who meekly works in his father's business but secretly longs for a life of excitement,

adventure and Kung-fu.When the villainous snow-leopard Tai-lung escapes, Po is chosen to fulfill an ancient prophecy and defend the Valley from attack. Training under Master Shifu, Po embarks on an epic high-kicking adventure to become the dragon warrior, and sets out to thwart Tai Lung's evil plans.

But Tai Lung also was adopted and trained by master Shifu years earlier, and had hoped to gain his father's admiration and become the dragon warrior when his obsession to excel was revealed as evil. We discover in the end that it was Po's utter naïveté and unfitness for the position that qualified him rather than Tai Lung, whose search for power, admiration and domination was in the end, fruitless, rejected and evil.

After a brutal climactic confrontation between the two contenders, the exhausted Tai Lung finally has the long sought prize of the Dragon scroll and ultimate power in his hand. He slowly unrolls it:

"Yes finally, oh yes, the power of the Dragon scroll is mine!" Tai Lung unrolls the scroll, and with a puzzled look angrily gasps "It's .. nothing!"

Po explains "I didn't get it the first time either ... there is no secret ingredient.."

And here is where tears started down my cheeks. All my life I have searched for the secret ingredient that would guarantee Heaven with my Savior, some secret that would give me that final push over the top to Heaven's Gate. But here, by myself, watching a kids movie something spoke and moved me to tears.. "there is no secret ingredient!"

The hallmark of cults and of Gnosticism in general is their claim to secret knowledge giving access to power. Sadly to say, if we are not careful, we may unknowingly take this same tack. I know because I have.

Some say the secret to power comes by speaking in tongues, while others

say Biblical fundamentalism and textual literalism is the way forward. Reformed churches say you must stay close to Luther, with some branches claiming you must also believe the doctrines of Calvinism. Catholics say the only path is through their sacraments and magisterium, while Protestants in general deny both. Adventists know Ellen White is the only correct interpreter of scripture, while Mormons embrace Joseph Smith.

Everyone and every religion is trying to find the secret ingredient that will guarantee their entrance to heaven, and with the triumph of social media and everyone's ability to promote their own opinion our little Island of quavering faith is being tried as never before.

But for you little flock, I have unbelievable news..

There is no secret ingredient!

The Way always has and always will be the simple good news of Jesus' love for you!

"God was in Jesus reconciling the world to Himself" (2 Corinthians 5:19).

Whoever you are and whatever sins you have committed, you have been forgiven for 2000 years. You are neither qualified or forgiven on the basis of anything you have done or could do. You are qualified and forgiven on the basis of what CHRIST has done! And this simple Gospel truth that has circled the world is the way to heaven!

At the Last Supper Jesus tells His disciples that He is going to leave them, and they cannot come. He says He is going to prepare a place for them so that they can join Him later. "And you know where I am going, and the way to get there" (John 14:4) He says.

Thomas chimes in, and you can almost hear his frustration, "Lord, we do not know where you are going; so how can we know the way to get there?" (John 14:5 Good News Bible)

Jesus' reply is one of the most often quoted sentences in the Bible:

"I am the Way, the Truth and the Life; no one goes to the Father except by me" (John 14:6).

Beloved, Jesus himself is the way! Oh yes, He teaches and shows us the way, and has provided the way, yet He himselff, in His person, is saving us from our sins. Can you save you? Many say we can if we only do this or that, give money, stop sinning, go to church on the right day, and on and on, we can save ourselves. But my friend, if you cannot save yourself, if you are going down for the last time and your life hangs in the balance, Jesus is your only choice.

Trust me, before your life is over you will hear 1000 arguments about the "right" way to get to heaven. You will go through doubts and Black valleys where you even question whether or not you were ever saved. But at the end of the day it's not what you know, but who you know. And more importantly who knows you.

There is no secret ingredient!

Remember what the angel told Mary…

And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.” (Matthew 1:21, KJV)

"He who hath the Son hath life; and he that hath no the Son of God hath not life" (1 John 5:12 KJV)

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